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Ukrainian forces strike ammunition depot in Luhansk Oblast near Russian border – video

Ukraine intercepts 46% of Russian missiles launched over past 6 months – WSJ

"Another of Putin's puppets": UK Defence Secretary on Russian Defence Minister replacement

Russia loses 1,740 soldiers and 31 tanks in one day

Putin replaced Shoigu from Defence Minister position to support protracted war in Ukraine – ISW

Sanctioned for targets 1000 km away. Story of Liutyi (Fierce) Ukrainian long-range drone which burns Russian refineries

Explosions heard in Russia's Belgorod

Belgorod governor reports 15 fatalities due to building collapse

North Korea has sent 6,700 containers of ammunition to Russia since September – South Korea

Russian Defence Ministry claims high-rise in Belgorod damaged due to air defence operations

UK Defence Intelligence analyses data on record losses for Russia's Gazprom

Entire stairwell of 10-storey building collapsed in Russia's Belgorod – videos

Russia loses 1,260 soldiers, one aircraft and five tanks

Drone attacks Volgograd refinery in Russia, fire breaks out – video

Russia reports powerful attack on Belgorod – photos, video

Czech President says Europe has to set out clear boundaries for Russia

UK intelligence analyses incidents in Russia with bombs falling from aircraft on its own territory

Ukraine's Security Service detains Russian agents preparing 9 May terrorist attack in Kyiv

Fuel tanker on fire in Russia's Rostov Oblast – video

Explosions occur in Russia's Belgorod and Kursk oblasts overnight – video

White House does not expect serious breakthroughs from Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv Oblast

NYT finds where Belarus might store Russian nuclear weapons – photos

Putin decorates pro-Russian Moldovan MP in Moscow

Ukrainian forces destroy Russian missile near Dnipro

Ukraine to create 10 new brigades to prepare for new Russian offensive

No territory lost in Kharkiv Oblast, local authorities say

Polish PM and Law and Justice Party leader accuse each other of Russian influence

Russia loses 980 soldiers and 47 artillery systems over past 24 hours

Russian forces noticeably step up pace of attacks – ISW

Drones hit oil refinery in Russia's Kaluga Oblast – video